Chest Freezer News & Advice since 2011



  • 142 Litres (~7 bags of shopping)
  • Annual Energy Use: £47.04
  • Safe for Garage Use
  • Compact for the Capacity
  • 1 Basket Supplied
  • Easy Defrosting
  • No Interior Light

Curry's own brand offering great value and is safe to use in the garage

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In Detail

This chest freezer is a firm favourite in the Logik range - a Currys own brand - that offers 142 litres of space within a compact 62cm wide cabinet. Logik appliances are all about value for money, and what they lack in luxury touches they more than make up for it in areas that matter.

This is budget model so there is no interior light or lockable lid and only one basket is supplied, but to be honest at this price level it is not uncommon to see this.

Likes The Outside

It is small enough to be kept in the home, and is also suitable for unheated outbuildings down to -15c thanks to the Winter Security technology.

Key Features

Safe for use in garages and other unheated outbuildings down to -15 degrees Celsius

Flush handles are a little fiddly but allow flexibility when installing

One wire basket is supplied, leaving space for you to reach items underneath

The clean back allows a flusher fit and reduces dust build-up

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& Model
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Capacity 142 litres 142 litres 142 litres
Width 62.5 cm 62.5 cm 62.5 cm
Energy Use 192 kWh/year 183 kWh/year 183 kWh/year
Garage Use? Yes No No
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Frequently Asked Questions

Is this product really suitable for outbuildings?
Yes, this product includes WinterGuard technology that protects the electronics and allows the unit to work safely down to -15 degrees Celsius. You might see a minimum temperature of +10 degrees Celsius mentioned in this "Climate Class" but this rating has not been updated to include these newer freezer types.

Is this freezer frost free?
No freezers are currently frost free. Manufacturers recommend defrosting twice a year. Unplug the drain port at the front to let defrosted ice from inside run off into a suitable container.

Does this freezer have a 'step' inside?
Yes, in common with most freezers there is a boxed-off area at the bottom that contains the motor electrical components. This this dones not take any space from the quoted storage capacity.

How many baskets are supplied?
One removeable wire basket come as standard with this appliance

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